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Cloud Security Connector for Netskope with PriCPA
DEMO II: Private Cloud Private Access
Company Confidential -  2021
(For VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, Etc.)
CSC for Netskope with PriCPA
Company Confidential -  2021
  1. What is the Private Cloud Private Access (PriCPA)?
  2. Main benefits of PriCPA.
  3. Demo : Network Diagram. 
  4. Demo: Management tools. 
  5. Demo (i): On-boarding a CSC node to the Private Cloud.
  6. Demo (ii): Creating and deploying policies.
  7. Demo (iii): Checking Zero Trust.
  8. Demo (iv): FW requirements.
  9. Demo (v): Checking Statuses & Stats
  10. Conclusions. 
Company Confidential -  2021
Company Confidential -  2021
1. What is the Private Cloud Private Access (PriCPA)?
Private Cloud Private Access (PriCPA) is a new functionality of the Cloud Security Connector.
PriCPA allows you to create a Private Cloud among all CSCs for private traffic.
In a matter of minutes, you can build a full mesh encrypted topology between your locations
for private traffic with Zero Trust. After making the Private Cloud, you can set up your policies
to define who will talk with who inside your Private Cloud. 
Company Confidential -  2021
2 . Main Benefits of Private Cloud Private Access
    • With PriCPA, your private traffic is genuinely private.
        All communication is end-to-end between your devices, and it is under your control.
    • PricCPA replaces your MPLS links with a cheaper and encrypted option.
    • PriCPA eliminates the complexity and decreases the cost of connecting to AWS, Azure
        and Gcloud.
    • PriCPA uses state of the art encryption technology that works at the kernel level
        overpassing the throughput of legacy networking encryption technologies.
    • PriCPA works will all ports and protocols and provide complete visibility of internal IPs.
    • PriCPA is Zero Trust. You define who talks to who.
    • PriCPA provides segmentation.
    • Easy to implement and fast.
Company Confidential -  2021
3 . Demo : Network Diagram. 
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4. Demo: Management tools.
<- AWS Systems Manager
Rundeck -> 
SSH Console
Company Confidential -  2021
5. Demo (i): On-boarding a CSC node to the Private Cloud.
  1. Create Local Configuration on one CSC of the Cluster.
  2. Copy the Local Configuration to the another CSC of the Cluster, using "Token & JSON file".
  3. Add the node to the "privateAccessPeersConfig.json" file with the "networks" behind.
  4. Distribute the "privateAccessPeersConfig.json" to all CSCs on the Private Cloud.

Local Configuration
Company Confidential -  2021
5. Demo (i): On-boarding a CSC node to the Private Cloud.
4. Distribute the "privateAccessPeersConfig.json" to all CSCs on the Private Cloud.
AWS Systems Manager

6. Demo (ii): Creating and deploying policies.
Company Confidential -  2021
  1. Configure "privateApps" on privateAccessPeersConfig.json
  2. Distribute the JSON file to all CSC. 
6. Demo (ii): Creating and deploying policies. Examples:
Company Confidential -  2021
Allow TCP ports from Any to Domain Controllers
Allow Web ports from Any to Intranet Server
Allow SSH & RDP from HQ to Remote Server
7. Demo (iii): Checking Zero Trust.
Company Confidential -  2021
This slide shows the comparison of a scan on the local
network and a remote site of net
As you can see, on the remote site, only configured IPs
and ports are visible.  

Company Confidential -  2021
8. Demo (iv): FW requirements.
Each time you refresh or reload the file "privateAccessPeersConfig.json" the CSC refresh the
file "privateAccessLocalFirewallRules.json". This file contains the rules required to implement.
Note: The models for AWS, Azure and Gcloud will update this rules automatically.
Company Confidential -  2021
9. Demo (v): Checking Statuses & Stats.
Company Confidential -  2021
10. Conclusions 
PriCPA brings the following benefits:

        -> Easy and Fast deployment of a full mesh private encrypted network.
        -> Huge savings when replacing MPLS or SDWAN solutions.
        -> 1 Gbps encrypted traffic per site.
        ->  Eliminates the complexity and decreases the cost of connecting to AWS, Azure
        and Gcloud.
        -> Allows all port and protocols. Full visibility of internal IPs. No restrictions.
        -> Zero trust and segmentation. 
        -> The CSC for virtual Platforms works behind any Firewall Vendor.
        -> The CSC is available now for virtual platforms: Vmware, Hyper-V, KVM, Etc.
        -> The CSC will be available for Public Clouds soon (AWS, Azure, Gcloud).
Company Confidential -  2021
Thank you! 
Sales Contact:
Adrian Larsen

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